February 7, 2013

it was a surprise birthday...

it was a Friday, the Friday after Christmas. the boys were home and bored, so what else do you do on a Friday afternoon, you head on down to Target wasting time "finding something for dinner". we didn't stay very  long, which is unusual for a normal trip to Target, so, we then headed on over to Chick-fil-A for a little snack (mommy wanted french fries and sweet tea). i'm a mom, i should've known something wasn't just right that day. i felt weird all day. and by weird i mean i was having contractions all day. contractions are nothing new for me. i have them all the time, but when i noticed they were 4 minutes apart and not stopping, i probably should have called someone (like a doctor).

by 3pm i decided to lay down and watch a movie (The Descendants to be exact) thinking this would be relaxing. it should have been. C was the only one home with me. the other 2 yahoos were over at P & E's house, so taking a nap should have been a no-brainer. i probably got up to pee 3 or 4 times in between the contractions, but i never really had to pee. actually watching the movie became difficult, and guess what? i never finished that movie. during one of the sappy hospital scenes where everyone is mad and crying, i felt something like a karate kick to my hoo-haw (from the inside!). i actually managed to pause the movie right before the giant explosion. and yes, it was an explosion, like 5 water balloons had just popped and i was the one popping them (you get the idea). it was barely 5pm and at this time no one was in the house. i remember rolling off the bed and scurrying to the bathroom while trying to undress at the same time all while screaming for someone (that someone would be baby daddy) to come help me. luckily C came in the bedroom while i was hunched over the floor barely covered with a wet towel. surprisingly he stayed calm and i gently (with a mad squirrel look on my face) asked him to go find Daddy. i could here him running to the garage telling The Husband he had to come inside, where he was told, "i'll be there in a minute." and then i hear, "NO, DADDY, NOW!"

my ever so calm baby daddy then helped me finish undressing, shower, redress, and get in the car all while talking to the hospital in less than 10 minutes. if you've ever seen The Husband drive, you would know that making it to the hospital in record time is no miracle. the next hour or so was pretty much a blur. i was lucky enough to have my best friend there (in the room) taking pictures the entire time and The Husband so graciously recorded the entire delivery for me to watch (that video will not be posted to the interwebs btw - gross!). all i know is that my water broke around 5pm and Miss Pink made her appearance at 7:16pm. i'll let the pictures tell the rest of the delivery story...


Lori said...

Yeah! Thanks for sharing your birth story. She's beautiful.

Stacie said...

Tears. So beautiful!