February 6, 2013

let's just say things got a little out of hand...

i'm going to make this as quick as possible. considering i haven't posted anything in the last 3 months, there's just too much that has happened to write it all down in one post. i last left off back in October (that was last year!) with a birthday, homecoming, and getting ready for baby. well, since then we've had Halloween, a trip to San Francisco, Thanksgiving, another birthday, Christmas, and a BABY!! so, yeah, things got a little out of hand. we'll just skip over November (but i'll include a couple photos of our surprise trip to San Fran) and move on to Christmas...

ok, now on to December...

the month of December is always busy. it's that way for everyone i'm sure. with holiday parties, birthdays, soccer tournaments, basketball season starting, and of course Christmas, it's no wonder there's usually tons of drinking involved (well, for everyone but me that is). for us Christmas is pretty low key. we stay at home by ourselves, open presents, and laze around the house all day. we did get a surprise snowfall this year that was an added bonus for the boys. like i said before, this is going to be quick and dirty (we all know what's about to happen a few days after Christmas  so i'll skip to that as soon as SHE stops screaming at me from the other room)...

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