August 29, 2012

first day of school...

i'm going to completely skip over the vacation we just took, and get to an equally exciting time (well, for me anyway)...THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!! this year all 3 boys will be in school full-time and all 3 will be riding the bus to and from school...JACKPOT!! the only downfall to them riding the bus in the morning is the absurd wake-up time of 6:15am. i'm sure for most people this is a normal time to wake up, but not in our house. if the sun ain't up, we're not getting up either.

the first day was fabulous, considering we didn't even get back from the airport until 9pm the night before from the vacay. C rode the bus to school and refused to pose for any pictures other than the first one. P-Donculous didn't want me to take his picture either, but NoNo was more than happy to have us follow him around most of the day. i'm assuming the day was a success for them as well, because i didn't get any phone calls during the day and they all made it home by 4pm (yep, they were on the bus for more than 45min). it's going to be a little strange having peace and quiet all day, well, at least for the next 4 months anyway...

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