May 19, 2011

next stop, Kindergarten...

yesterday was a very joyous occasion in our house. i'm really not sure who was more excited, me or P-Donculous. the minute he woke up he was running around the house in his underwear singing "graduation day, graduation day...i can't believe it's graduation day!" i'm thrilled that this means school is out for summer (well, at least for the little dudes anyway) and that in a few short months school will start back again, but this time P-Donculous will be off to Kindergarten. although, P is going to be a little disappointed when he finds out that Kindergarten doesn't start for another 14 weeks! he was pretty dead set on getting on the bus next week and heading off to school. i'm not saying i don't love having my kids around all day everyday, but summer break is loooong enough. in August, i'll be happy to have TWO kids getting on the bus whisking them away.

back to Graduation Day...The Husband was sure that i was going to be a sobbing mess, but i'm pretty sure i've shed enough tears in the last month to last me a while. i was actually very happy to see P-Donculous walk across that stage (announcing that he was going to be joining the Army when he grows up) take his little diploma, hug his teacher, and skip off the stage like the goof that he is...

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