April 9, 2011


i'm more than thrilled to announce that the Egg Hunt Extravaganza was way more than a success, even the doctor had a grin from ear to ear when he came out to make the announcement. we hit blackjack with the eggs...yes, 21 eggs! i'm like a freaking chicken or a turtle, whichever one lays more eggs i don't know. all of the little needle pricks paid off. now we have the agonizing waiting game to deal with. although, we did receive the phone call this morning about the success of those 21 eggs. we knew that just because you get 21 eggs, it doesn't mean that all of them are "good" eggs. so, out of the 21 we had 16 perfect candidates, and then out of those 16 we added the Swim Team (or as the Husband likes to call them, the Life Worms - which sounds really gross). The Swim Team did really well, and now we have 10 wonderful Chickens (our name for the embryos) that we hope make it through the weekend. like i said, the waiting game is brutal, but 10 is a good number and i'm hoping for good news on Monday morning...


Lori said...


Juls said...

May all your "lucky charms" work their magic for you, MaMa!

Anonymous said...

The waiting game blows....good luck. Sending good vibes your way!