March 1, 2011

there's no turning back now...

today is March 1st, not that this day has any real significance (well, unless you count the completion of the Hoover Dam back in 1936 or the birth of that little musical cutie Justin Bieber in 1994 - the year i graduated high school). no, this day just marks the beginning of a very crazy  month. i just got off the phone with my specialty pharmacy. one, they wanted to know where to send the giant box of drugs, and two, they wanted to know how i would be paying for that box. after just a few short minutes i had pretty much spent enough for a 5 day all-inclusive vacation, but without the sun, sand, or cocktails. i know this is not going to be a vacation, but now that the box is on it's way, there's no turning back.

for the next month i'll be on a very strict schedule. at first it was a bit overwhelming, but with so many colors, at least it's fun to look at...

now add to that the usual schedule of soccer 5 days a week, baseball, school, and spring's going to be a bit insane. the butterflies have set in...

1 comment:

Lucia said...

So excited for you Ashley!