January 20, 2011

i can't keep the secret any longer...

now that we've informed the family i thought it was only fair to blab to my interweb family...last year i wrote a very long winded post about my aching uterus and it's not a secret that our family wanted another baby in the house, but now, after more than a year of talking, planning, researching, and crying we're "trying" for that little girl. it's been very hard not to talk about it, but on the other hand it's also been very difficult to talk about. i'm going to put the warning out there now that the rest of the rambling that i might do in the next few months may not be what some people want to hear, but guess what? this is my place and if you don't like it, leave.

some people may be wondering why i put so much emphasis on the "trying" part of having a baby. well, that's because unfortunately it's not going to be as easy as a bottle of wine and a night in the hot tub (i think that's what happened last time). yes, i do have 3 healthy boys, but i'm selfish and i want a healthy little girl as well. i'm not going to say that i have fertility issues, because that wouldn't be fair to those who really do have issues with getting pregnant. but i want to honest with what's about to happen in the next few months, and some people may have a problem with the way we're going about getting pregnant. guess what again, i've come to terms with it and i don't care if someone says what i 'm doing is not okay.

i'll step off my little box and get back to the announcement part...our family is starting this process, and yes, it's going to be a struggle, but i would like to think the reward will by far outweigh the couple of months of torture i'm about to put myself through. and by torture, i mean the 4 times a day of self-injections, multiple trips to the doctor's office, countless tests (you know those probing kind), and the mind numbing waiting and waiting. that's it, i'm done complaining. i know there are couples out there who go through this for years, and i can't even fathom how hard that is, so from now on everything will just be informative...to keep you updated on how it's going.

so, now on to the question and answer phase...i don't consider myself a lucky person. and by that i mean when it comes to winning things or playing a guessing game, i'm going to lose. i don't gamble, i don't buy lottery tickets, and i pretty much suck at picking raffle tickets, so, i've become obsessed with "good luck charms". i've been carrying around my new lucky dollar since the day i got it from the parking garage at the doctor's office. i've invested a lot of time in researching what's considered to be lucky, like stars (got one), elephants (got one of those too), four leaf clovers (got one), and even a fertility statue (being delivered as we speak). i know that according to the Chinese Zodiac this is the year of the Rabbit, which for me means a year of good luck....woohoo! so, my question is, what do you think is lucky? and can i have one?

{please ignore the wrinkly old lady hands}

well, that's about it, so if you're not offended (and if you are, but still find this a wee bit interesting or you're just nosey) then stay tuned for a very adventurous 2011...


Stacie said...

I am so excited for you and will send as many postive vibes your way as I can muster up. I can totally understand where you're coming from and I'm rooting for you! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to read the fantastic news....this is your year. xoxo

Lori said...

How exciting! You've got my support!

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

it's your life, your body. do with it what you want.

i'm beyond happy for you and hope it doesn't take long!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I was watching yours' and Jess' incredible gymnastics skills and was wondering what you meant by in a few months you won't be able to flip flop around....had to read through your blog to catch up...now I get it!!!! My fingers and toes are crossed for you guys! Hopefully you won't have to be patient for too long. Big hugs to ya'll, good luck!!!!