August 16, 2010

the vacation...

this is going to be a short post, but full of pictures. it took me long enough to download all the pictures from the camera and forget about the dinner that was boiling over in the kitchen.'s a brief recap of our annual beach week...

my little NoNo...he's so darn cute (when he wants to be)

the boys took to the ropes (and yes, that's as high as it looks)

hubby's side of the family

our mode of transportation for the week (you would think P would be a little more excited)

those kids have no fear

me on the other hand...different story

me and the BIL hanging in mid air

playing with trucks in the sand is hard work apparently

the masterpiece (would you believe a dang bird flew down and stole the nose?!)

probably the only picture of us together

heaven on a spork right here folks!!
hot fresh chocolate glazed donuts covered in ice cream....OhhhEmmmGeeee....i would like to thank the good people of Hartell's Village Diner for coming up with this mouth watering dish.

this is the third year in a row that we've stayed at the beach, and we always go in August, but after 3 years of rain and sea weed we might be reconsidering going so late in the summer next year...


Meredith said...

That looks awesome! What a great vacation!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! Where do you guys go?

Lori said...

Yeah, the seaweed has been gross. Much more than the usual. I'm thinking it's God's way of having something in our water to keep the oil away.