August 23, 2010

back to school...

not sure who was more excited about today, but i'm going to go with the 3rd grader. he was up an entire hour before he needed to leave this morning, which is almost a miracle in itself. i can't believe how much he's grown up in the last 3 years. look at him, he almost looks like a teenager!

in a few weeks the other two hooligans will be off to school (why in the world their preschool has to start 2 weeks after the other kids is beyond me!) and then i will really have a party productive school year. yeah, yeah, i'm a stay-at-home mom, but honestly having a few days to myself is totally necessary. it's not like i spend those days laying around on the couch watching day time television (i honestly don't even know what's on tv during the day). those are days i get my "work" done...

1 comment:

ERICA said...

No shortage of striped polo's at your house! He is so handsome. Can you believe C and M are 8!!!!!