it seems every year or two i get the crazy idea to cut my hair, and to most people that really isn't crazy, but for me, cutting my hair is a BIG deal. as it is, i only visit my stylist maybe once or twice a year! so, yes my hair is long (like a couple of chipmunks took refuge and made a nest long). it's a hot mess! so....since i've been training for the marathon i've been trying to think of creative ways to raise money for my cause. yes, i know i've been asking everyone i know to just give me money, but how about something a little more interesting? i'm sure everyone has heard of Locks of Love...well, why not donate this mess of hair to someone who really needs it. it may not be raising the money i need to meet my goal, but it's just another way i can help someone who has suffered one of the many side effects of dealing with cancer.
it may not be the best idea, because i don't think i look so hot with short hair, but i'm willing to sacrifice my hair for someone else to have a great hot mess of their own. so, are you wondering how this will involve you? i definitely need encouragement, not only for my training and fundraising, but to actually go through with cutting my hair. what you can do to help...DONATE!! i'm for sure going to post pictures of the great event (whenever it may be) and you don't want to miss it, but i really need your help.
i'm taking this seriously. those who know me well know that i hate to have my haircut; it freaks me out. i've been researching ideas on what to do after the big cut, so i would like some input on this as well....
be honest and let me know what you think, but also i would really like for you to help me along with my's hard work...
it seems that #2 is by far the majority, which made me get busy and start "trying on" more styles. and this is the other style that caught my eye:
i was really hoping to have met the halfway point on my fundraising before going the distance myself, but i'm not quite there. am i really going to have to start begging? c'mon guys, i need a little more motivation! i had originally set the Big Day for March 31, but without the balls support, it's kind of hard to go through with it...
#2 for sure.
i'm not talking about poo this time.
not matter which one i choose, it will never look like the picture
My mother in law has donated her hair twice..I think it's amazing as many people (including myself) could NOT do it! I think with your face type you can pull off any length of hair! Really! I like number style number 4. Good Luck!!!
I like #3 - I may follow your awesome lead and do the same... You are such a great person!!!! GO ASHLEY GO!!!!!
I too have never been one to cut all my hair off, but after the wedding this fall, I chopped off 14 inches and donated it to locks of love. I was scarred to death, but the short cut turned out really cute, and knowing that some one would benefit from my donation made the whole thing worth it. You have such a giving spirit, I know once you make the donation, you will feel great about the choice too. Plus you have to remember, hair grows back. This is not a permanent look. But the good you will do by going through with it, is well worth the trauma of the actual day you chop it.
Ok girly! I like 1, 2 and 5. I'm going with you!!!!
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