February 28, 2010

52 weeks are finally over...

i had this insane idea last year to try one of those 52 Week Projects and damn it if it didn't take me all year to do it!! (*giggling at my own humor*) well, it's finally finished, and why you ask in the almost 3rd month of the year? i'm a procrastinator, and didn't start my project last year until the first week of March! not sure what i'm going to do with it now that i'm finished, but here it is, all 52 of them....
(click on the photo to see it all large and spectacular)


Lucia said...

Way to go Ash! Think you'll do it again this year??

MommaCakes said...

i plan on doing it again, but just doing it a little differently...nothing like your mad organizational skills though

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

I saw Goofy Golf!