November 28, 2011

Rex has returned...

i'm pretty sure everyone and their second cousin has heard of the Elf on the Shelf. well, ours is named Rex, and he returns in some magical fashion every year after Thanksgiving (rules of returning in our house are whenever the tree goes up in the house). Rex is quite the little pesky elf. he manages to get himself in little bits of trouble every night. when he showed up on the doorstep the other day (yes, in the middle of the day...and he even rang the doorbell) i was not quite prepared for the next few weeks of cleaning up after his silly antics. the first night he got into the bag of Oreos and made a terrible mess, crumbs everywhere. last night he strung a zip line back and forth from the kitchen cabinets and left candy canes all over the house. we're hoping that the kids see this as the not so favorable behavior and act in the complete opposite fashion...

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