July 3, 2011

the Challenge, Days 26-30...

almost done!!!
as you can imagine this one was way too much fun to shoot. after spending all afternoon washing the car, C asked for a little refresher. thanks to The Husband for being the little prankster that he is, i just happened to get this close-up shot...

yes yes, this picture is very much out of order. i saved this one from our trip to Boston...

yep, that's me, the crazy lady pulled over on the side of the road stomping around in a field taking pictures of giant weeds....

not what you thought for a "black & white" challenge? me either, but when we drove by this place, it screamed "take a picture of me", so i did...

Ta-Da!! the last picture of the month. i think it was very appropriate that the first and last picture were the same "challenge". i think it's obvious that my comfortability in front of the camera changed quite a bit during the month. my first self-portrait took almost a hour to take and edit, but this last one...5 minutes. i've really enjoyed taking shots of things other than the kids for a change, and i think i even got a few "framers" along the way. the month flew by and it most certainly kept me occupied and my mind off other things, but now that the month is over, it's got me thinking, now what.....

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