June 2, 2011

the Challenge, Day 1...

i'm totally off the chain crazy. i thought this challenge would be a lot easier than this. i guess it wouldn't be called a "challenge" if there was not some effort involved. i'm going to be honest, i almost gave up, and it's only the first day. seriously?! a self-portrait on the first day?! it took me almost an hour to take a picture of myself. and that was after spending all day thinking about it. i can take a picture of anyone or anything all day long, but when asked to take a picture of myself...well, that's just down right silly. i felt like such a fool taking a picture of myself with myself by myself. and then i stayed up all night (granted it took me a few glasses of wine, a Plum Collins, and a beer to get started) trying to make the picture look decent. i'm way too hard on myself. i finally narrowed it down to the two least horrendous looking and shot them on to Instagram for a vote. this was the hands down winner (and by hands down, i mean only one person voted - Yay Me...next time i won't post things on the internet at midnight)...


Mary {White Peach Photo} said...

Cute!! And for the record, I liked both of them. ;)

Jess said...

I think your picture is awesome. Very natural and relaxed.