March 31, 2011

a little pinch, a little poke...

i knew going into this that i would have to stick myself on a daily basis with tiny little needles, but after 2 weeks now, my flabby little belly is getting tired of the pinching and poking. i mistakenly tried taking one in the thigh this morning....BIG mistake! it seriously felt like i grabbed a wasp from outside and jabbed its little butt right onto my leg. i'll stick to pricking that flabby thing i call a stomach from now on (at least until the giant ass needle starts next week). for now i've been injecting myself with things that will increase my egg production, so that when we go in to the Magic Fun House next week, it will be like and Easter Egg Hunt Extravaganza! a lot of people have asked about the Egg Hunt Extravaganza, and to explain it simply...normally i would produce 1 egg, but with all of this lovely medication i've been juicing myself up with, we're hoping for 20 eggs. so, yes, it's going to be an Extravaganza!
now, for a little venting...i decided over a month ago to get myself ready for this whole process, which meant for me no more Lemon Drops and bottles of wine (damn it!). i tried giving up the sugar, but i'm too much of a brownie addict, so,  i opted to kick the Coke instead. at least i was getting rid of some of my caffeine intake. don't get me wrong, i still have 2 cups of coffee and sweet tea everyday, but i'm just avoiding the bubbly caffeine. now, The Husband decided that he would support my decision to "sober" up for the Egg Hunt Extravaganza by joining me in my somewhat caffeine free sobriety. it was a little harder for him to leave his beloved beer, but i can proudly say that he's gone without for 2 weeks now! so, you're still wondering what i'm venting about...well, it shouldn't be a surprise, but why is it that whenever you tell someone you're not drinking, they say "oh, that's a good idea, you know to get ready for baby making", but the minute The Husband says he's not drinking either..."WHAT?! why would you do something crazy like that?!" first of all, drinking decreases that man's swimmer count, and we need all the good ones we can get for the Extravaganza, and secondly, he's doing it because that's what a good husband does! i didn't ask him or tell him he had to stop drinking, he offered it up all on his own, and i love my squishy for being so thoughtful.

so, here we are only about a week away from the big Egg Hunt, and i'm starting to get a little nervous, but that could be the tipsy-i'm-not-really-drunk feeling i get from the late night injections that lasts for about 12 hours! imagine feeling dizzy drunk for 12 hours without the fun of even getting to drink? trust me, it's not all that it's cracked up to be. it's normal to be nervous, right? of course it is! oh, and i'm pretty sure talking to myself is just another side effect...

March 25, 2011

spring break...

i'm pretty much going to leave this post up to the pictures to do the talking. spring break ended up being 10 days long, so you can imagine we crammed a lot of junk into those 10 days. we started out by driving the Husband to the airport (where he hopped on a flight to Houston), then proceeded to drive down to New Orleans (where we picked up the Husband who flew from Houston to NOLA after an all day meeting), stayed in NOLA for the night, and then drove to Florida. as the 3yo would say, "we went fru EasyAnna, over the Sippy Bridge, and to Forda. if only it were that easy. the kids had a blast in NOLA, and yes, we took them down Bourbon Street, where they spent every last dime they had on boobie beads. after staying at the in-laws for the week, we packed everything up again and made the trip back home, but this time we finally made the stop in Mobile for a quick stop at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial.
the rest of the trip was spent at home*, minus the side trip that C got to take to Tallahassee to catch a baseball game and visit the old Alma Matter (*both of our parents still live in Florida, that's where we went to will always be called home). we managed to get in as much beach time, boat rides, and seafood eating as we could, because we usually only get there once a year. i'm pretty sure i had crab claws and gumbo at every meal. this time of year just happens to be NoNo's birthday, and we were lucky enough to be able to celebrate with his cousin (who's birthday is only 2 days later). it was a fabulous week with family and even some old friends we hadn't seen in a very long time, and i can't wait until this summer (just can't stay away from the beach)...

the box...

so what if it's taken me 3 weeks to finally get around to posting this. at least it's a little bit interesting. the week before spring break i received a very large package. a package that could very well change the dynamic of our family. considering i was sick as a dog the day the "box" arrived on my doorstep, i was still quite excited to finally get it open.

there's enough stuff in that box to make a couple addicts happy, well, if you were addicted to hormones and antibiotics i suppose. now that the "box" is here, this is it, there's no turning back. i pretty much started my daily routine right away. and for the next 4 weeks i'll be on a steady diet of pills, needles, and other unfriendly little devices (which i may or may not talk about later).
the first shot took at least 15 minutes before i worked up the courage to actually stab myself (with a quick dart like motion - as per directed in my instructional pamphlet). everything else is pretty smooth sailing, except for that giant horse pill that occasionally likes to stick to the top of my mouth and takes 3 swigs of coffee to get down. the regimen is pretty simple for now, but starting next week things are going to get even more medically exciting. yesterday i had a trip down to the magic fun house (aka - Dr. S's office) to make sure everything was good to go. i've gotten pretty use to the "magic wand" and the multiple blood samples, but i will never get use to the waiting. why is it that you hurry up to get there just to sit and wait? anyway, Dr. S says the "soil is clean" and next week i can start the hard core drugs (aka - FSH and some Gonadotropin stuff). yay! more shots (although i wish they were shots of vodka)...

March 4, 2011

1,095 days...

it was 1,095 days ago that we had the privilege to meet the most wonderful little creature...when someone says the third time is the charm, it's true. NoNo is our 3rd child, born in the 3rd month, celebrating his 3rd birthday today; there's just something magical about that. everything about him is wonderful and i'm thankful that i have the opportunity to be his mother (even when he throws himself on the floor kicking and screaming because he can't have cake for breakfast).

Happy Birthday Monkey!!

March 1, 2011

another 52 weeks...

this is my second attempt at capturing the crazy in our house. 52 weeks, 52 pictures, 52 attempts at capturing our life. it's quite apparent that i need a new camera...

there's no turning back now...

today is March 1st, not that this day has any real significance (well, unless you count the completion of the Hoover Dam back in 1936 or the birth of that little musical cutie Justin Bieber in 1994 - the year i graduated high school). no, this day just marks the beginning of a very crazy  month. i just got off the phone with my specialty pharmacy. one, they wanted to know where to send the giant box of drugs, and two, they wanted to know how i would be paying for that box. after just a few short minutes i had pretty much spent enough for a 5 day all-inclusive vacation, but without the sun, sand, or cocktails. i know this is not going to be a vacation, but now that the box is on it's way, there's no turning back.

for the next month i'll be on a very strict schedule. at first it was a bit overwhelming, but with so many colors, at least it's fun to look at...

now add to that the usual schedule of soccer 5 days a week, baseball, school, and spring's going to be a bit insane. the butterflies have set in...