March 31, 2010

11 inches...

after weeks of anticipation and serious thoughts of turning back, i finally took the scissors to the hair. just a haircut you say, but for me i spent most of last night tossing and turning with extreme anxiety. this morning i paced the house waiting for my amazing friends to come pick me up. yes, i had a designated driver for the big event. it took 2 jello shots in the car before i could calm down.

and yes, my frieds are so supportive that they showed up in some fabulous wigs!

you would think i was being carted off to have my head shaved, but it was just a haircut. i can only imagine what they would do if i needed support for something serious. anyway...the cutting went off without a hitch, except for that i have the worst camera known to man! here are a few of the decent documentation shots:

i'm so happy that i was able to do this. not only did i get a great cut, but someone is getting 11 inches of my hair!! it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders...literally. i want to thank my friends for being so great and getting me tipsy encouraging me today, because they made the experience that much more relaxing and fun.

now...the rest of my day...different story. today was recomittment day for Team in Training , which means it's on like donkey kong now! i spent all morning putting together my paperwork to say i was fully comitted to running 26.2 miles and raising $2,900 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. WHOA! now it's up to me for the next 2 months to continue my training and not hurt myself in the process....

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