FINALLY! well, i say finally, but it's only the 5th of December...
the boys were so excited to pick out the tree and get it home to put all the "balls" on. oh how it pains me so to watch them decorate the tree. i'm not an obsessive person, but there are maybe 3 things i'm a freak about and having a "perfect" xmas tree might be #1 on that list. so, watching the boys load all the green balls in one spot and all the red balls in another...painful! hope they don't noctice in the morning that the tree magically fixed itself overnight and all the ornaments are perfectly placed over the entire tree. i love my boys, but c'mon! if it weren't for Colin climbing on the window to put some ornaments up a little higher, all the balls would be no higher than 3 1/2 feet (shorties)! maybe they'll believe that Rex (our Elf on the Shelf) did all the "redocorating"....
I always rearrange the ornaments after my kids are done. Not sure if they've ever noticed.
i do the same thing! it's so hard to not swoop in and move every one that reese hangs. at least i wait until after she's in bed, right? your tree is beautiful and the family pic is gorgeous!!!!
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