July 10, 2013

six months...

i have gotten really bad about posting. i'll blame it on the fact that i have a six month old to keep up with, because now at 6 months she's on the move. she officially started crawling almost a week before she even turned 6 months. Miss Pink has grown up way too fast and i really need her to slow it down a bit. i just can't get enough of her (all 15 pounds of her). at times i do feel guilty that i treat her slightly better than the boys, but 1. she is a baby and 2. she is the only girl, but i still feel guilty.

so yeah, a lot happened in the last few months for her. there's the crawling thing and then there's the whole eating thing. girl is a pig! so far we haven't found anything she doesn't like. it seems she has inherited my love of food, so i only hope she also inherits the love of athletics to go along with it. you can tell by the pictures that she is a ham in front of the camera. and it's no lie, she's happy all the time. i know i am a very lucky mommy to have such an awesome munchkin. so far, the only thing we've found that kind of pisses her off is pinching her nose, but really, who likes that anyway...